Whatever You Do, Give Thanks



It's 6 a.m. and you start bargaining in your head. If you just dry shampoo your hair, you can get 15 more minutes. If you skip the makeup, you might even make it 30. You're desperately tired and already planning your nap for after work/school/mom-life. Dark circles and puffy eyes are your badge of honor — telling the world you try every day, and you've got the sleep deprivation to show it. It's in those moments you may thank the sweet Lord for the invention of concealer.

Does this look like anyone else's life? Is it just me that's running on fumes? If science or the looks I share with other grownups every morning have any validity to them, then, we are all a little tired. Between outside demands of work, school, or group commitments and the pull of our personal lives, it's hard to feel rested and whole anymore. Sometimes, I wonder how we all survive with the demands of adulthood. Before we know it, we're caught up in everything we're not and all the ways we don't match up.

”And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17

Before our brains spiral, the best thing we can do is stop. It's as simple as that. No matter how hectic our days can be, we have the opportunity to serve God in every single action. We don't have to venture onto the mission field to do great works. We can commit our daily schedule to the glory of our Father. All it takes is a moment to give your day to the Lord. Your coffee date with a friend or your talk with the teacher at the pre-k pick-up line can be your ministry. You can be used by God in every situation, and the knowledge of that definitely creates a grateful heart in me. 

In an effort to be mindful and cultivate thankfulness, my husband and I take a few minutes every day to tell each other our five favorite things. Just this simple act pushes the stress of the day aside and forces us to search for the good and the blessings in the mess of it all. You share in your joys. You give voice and consideration to all of the things that went right. You realize there are great things to be found in each day — returning to a sense of thankfulness

Life is still crazy. You're still tired, but you remember why you're doing it all. Faith, family, and your positive impact move to the forefront. Everything you do has a purpose. Every move furthers the kingdom of God. Your work and your tired eyes matter to your Heavenly Father.

Kendra is a loving wife, tired mom, and lifelong preacher’s kid. She resides in northeast Oklahoma with her husband, son, Honey the 120-pound Shepherd mix, Moses the old grouchy schnauzer mix, and Cricket the softest cat in all the land.